Handles can be divided into many types according to different specifications. The most common is by raw materials. The raw materials for handles are basically single metals, alloys, plastics, ceramics, glass, crystals, resins, etc. Common handles are all copper handles, zinc alloy handles, aluminum alloy handles, stainless steel, plastic, and ceramic handles.
The handles of different raw materials have different performances and qualities due to the different characteristics of the raw materials.

L45 handle is made of aluminum alloy
Tubular handle
Type R: Anodized tube body, silver-white, matte finish; feet silver-white, matte finish; red trim
Type S: Anodized tube body, silver-white, matt finish; feet silver-white, matt finish; silver-gray decorative strip
Tube: Hard aluminum alloy anodizing; Feet: Hard aluminum alloy anodizing; Tube end cap: Polyamide (PA)
Installation: feet with threaded blind holes
Uses: machine tool equipment, automation equipment, testing instruments, medical equipment